Buckyballs säveltänyt 216 vahva neodyymi harvinaisten maametallien magneettisia helmiä, on pallomainen voimakkaan magneetin, joka on kauniisti käsitellyt magneettipallojen. Johtuen keskinäisen välinen vetovoima mini magneettinapojen, Buckyballs pieniä magneetteja kuutio voidaan yhdistää mihin tahansa geometriaan vapaasti. Luomuksesi voi ohjata BuckyBall rakennus lelu ja yhdistyivät 216 luominen kentät. You will come […]
Category Archives: magneettipallojen
Buckyballs store is offering a fun adult desktop toy that can help individuals relieve stress and allow them to get their hands on something when stress is starting to hit them. Buckyballs store is offering a fun adult desktop toy that can help individuals relieve stress and allow them to get their hands on something […]
Magnetic balls– powerful neodymium magnets the neo cube! ostaa NeoCube, Neocube Magnets, buckyballs, Zen Magnets, Nanodots, Cybercube, Magcube, The Neo Cube, Neoxcube, NeoCubix, Eurocube, neoClicks, Cubognetic We supply OMO magnetic balls whosd size from 3mm to 10mm.There are 216 magnetic spheres in one set. They are very amazing. We supply neocube toys (magnetic spheres) whose size is from […]
Neodymium Ball Magnets features guide, NdFeB ball magnet, spherical NIB magnets, NEOCUBE A Guide on Features of Neodymium Ball Magnets – Neodymium magnets are commonly called rare earth magnets and they are the most powerful kind of magnet. A neodymium magnet is an alloy of three metals; neodymium, iron and boron- NIB, NdFeB- or neo magnets. They […]
Sphere Magnets create Magnetic Baggu Sphere-Magnets-Magnetic-Baggu Customer Contribution: Our customer Lisa Tylflon send us these photos of the difference some sphere or ball magnets made to create magnetic baggu, so it is cool. Another interesting object created using only sphere magnets (NeoCube) from our very creative user Lisa Tylflon – A Magnetic Baggu! What I found interesting is the […]